What is WikiMed ?
The best medical encyclopedia available - 51,000 articles for free, no ads.
With 51,000+ medical articles, Wikimed is the largest and most comprehensive collection of health-related articles available. It includes content on diseases, medications, anatomy, and sanitation.
As an encyclopedic medical dictionary, Wikimed is perfect for practicing physicians, as well as medicine and other healthcare students.
If you are in the developing world without access to the Internet or on a boat in the middle of nowhere you can now access one of the foremost and up-to-date medical dictionaries, for free.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Medical encyclopedia available - 51,000 articles for free
- Collection of health-related articles available
- Without access to the Internet
- Encyclopedic medical dictionary
WikiMed Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities