What is wegfinder by ÖBB ?
wegfinder is a car key and public transport ticket at the same time: Book all ÖBB Rail&Drive cars directly with our app and use car sharing in combination with the train
No matter how you travel, we have only one goal: to let you compare, combine and book all your options easily and quickly. Find the best route from A to B, book and pay for different means of transport with just one app. With wegfinder you are always fast and safe on the road, all over Austria: Get all routes and tickets for public transport (from Wiener Linien to ÖBB and Westbahn) as well as booking options for car sharing, bike sharing and e-scooters on your smartphone now!

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Book public transport
- Find routes, timetables, tickets
- More than a timetable app
- Your city Your Way
- Rent bike and scooters
wegfinder by ÖBB Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities