What is UBS TWINT: Swiss Payment App ?
UBS TWINT is the free and most frequently used mobile payment app in Switzerland. With well over 900,000 registrations, UBS TWINT is the Number 1 in Swiss mobile payment and the digital cash of Switzerland. Digital payments and sending money directly to or receiving money from friends has never been easier. Pay for parking without coins, pay for your purchases at Coop and Migros via the app, cashless and hassle-free with UBS TWINT.
UBS TWINT connects to your credit cards and bank accounts directly. This also works without a UBS Account. We look forward to your registration!
WHAT TWINT CAN DO:Send, receive and request money: quickly and securely send, request and receive money via smartphone to friends, family and colleagues
Pay in the online store: save valuable time when shopping online and scan the QR code in the check-out or switch to the TWINT app to release the payment (e.g. at ticketcorner.ch, microspot.ch, SBB, Coop, Swisscom or Migros)
KeyClub points: Collect valuable points when paying via TWINT using the deposited UBS credit card.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Free Of Charge For Everyone-even Without a USB Account
- Send And Request Money Free Of Charge
- Pay More Easily Online
- Register Quickly And Simply
- Secure Is Secure
- KeyClub points
UBS TWINT: Swiss Payment App Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities