What is TripIt: Travel Planner ?
As soon as you book a flight, hotel, car or other reservation, simply forward it to plans@tripit.com and we’ll instantly add it to your master itinerary. We make it easy to sync travel plans to your calendar or share them with anyone you choose.
No more frantically searching through your inbox for important details like when your flight gets in or the confirmation number for your hotel. Find them instantly with TripIt — even when you’re offline.
Upload PDFs, photos, boarding pass and digital passport QR codes, and more to your travel plans, so everything is in one place.
See safety scores from 1 to 100 for neighbourhoods around the world, representing low to high risk. These scores cover a variety of categories, such as women’s safety, political freedoms and access to health and medical services. Since everyone has a different comfort level when they travel, you can set your personal risk level and we’ll warn you if you’re planning on visiting an area that’s above your threshold.
TripIt has lots of features to help you stay organised and find your way around on your next road trip. Map View plots out your entire trip on a map; Navigator quickly pulls up driving directions between two points, and Nearby Places locates the closest restaurants, parking, cafes and ATMs.
Manage all your plans for free with TripIt, or for about the price of checking your bags, upgrade to TripIt Pro to get stress-free travel all year long. When you upgrade, TripIt Pro will do all this for you and more.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
- French,
- German,
- Japanese,
Pricing model
- Free
- Master Itinerary
- Reservation Details
- Neighborhood Safety Scores
- Road Trips
- Tripit Pro
TripIt: Travel Planner Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities