What is Sling: Live TV, Shows & Movies ?
SLING is a streaming service with the best of live TV, both free and paid, streamed to you on any device. And with 200+ channels, SLING has something for everyone. It’s the live TV you love for half the cost of cable. Plus, watch over 85,000 movies & shows on demand.
Programming Available From SLING TV:
With free channels like ABC News Live and premium cable networks such as CNN and FOX News, Sling keeps you informed while you stay safe inside. Entertainment networks like Lifetime, TLC, and HGTV mean SLING TV has something for everyone.
NEWS | Stay up-to-date and informed with plenty of news channels like CNN, FOX News, and Bloomberg.
ENTERTAINMENT | Stay in & SLING in with entertainment for the whole family. Sign up and get Freeform, A&E, Investigation Discovery, TBS and TNT.
LIFESTYLE | With SLING TV, you can get your DIY fix with HGTV and satisfy your cravings for new recipes on Food Network. Plus, we have plenty of other lifestyle channels like TLC, Hallmark and Discovery.
KIDS’ SHOWS | Keep the kids happy and the Saturday morning cartoon tradition rolling with Disney and Cartoon Network.
SPORTS | Catch the latest news, analysis and feature films of your favorite sports on ESPN, ESPN2, TNT, and a whole lot more.
INTERNATIONAL | SLING TV is one of the best international streaming services in the U.S., offering programs in 22 languages including Spanish, Hindi & Arabic.
So what’s the hold up? Download the app today and start SLINGing.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Sling Is A Streaming Service With The Best Of Live Tv, Both Free And Paid
- 200+ channels
- It’s the live TV you love for half the cost of cable
- News-Stay up-to-date and informed
- Entertainment-Stay In & Sling In With Entertainment For The Whole Family
- Lifestyle-With Sling Tv, You Can Get Your Diy Fix With Hgtv And Satisfy
- Kids’ Shows-Keep The Kids Happy And The Saturday Morning Cartoon
- Sports-Catch The Latest News And Feature Films Of Your Favorite Sports
Sling: Live TV, Shows & Movies Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities