Skiya Same Personality Friends
What is Skiya Same Personality Friends ?
Make friends or find love based on personality type and hobbies. Skiya is a gentle inclusive social app to meet shy, outgoing, introverted, or on the spectrum friends.
Looking to make friends and find love based on personality type, hobbies, and activities?
Do you want a more inclusive social app where you can find on the spectrum autism dating and friendship, as well as meet shy individuals?
Then try Skiya, a personality-based friendship and dating app made to not just create meaningful connections between our users, but to also promote inclusivity of those from underrepresented in society.
This includes those who are Introverted, socially anxious, and on the autism spectrum to help make it easier to make friends and start relationships while reducing social Isolation in the process.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Friendship, Social & Dating App
- Meet New People
- Find Love
- See Who Liked You
- Friendship Finder
Skiya Same Personality Friends Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities