What is Simple Calorie Count ?
Count calories or any kind of "points". You must enter your own foods and calories, but this means there is no clutter from foods you don't eat.
- Builds a personal food database from the information you enter.
- Enables easy selection of previously entered foods.
- Displays each day's total calories or remaining allowance.
- Analyses your performance over the last week and month.
- Provides a home-screen widget for quick viewing of your calorie total.
- Allows calories burnt by exercise to be counted.
- Can export the diary to an HTML file.
- Can back up and restore the diary via SQLite format.
- The "Photos / Media / Files" permission is used for reading and writing files to the SD card for the backup and export functions.
- The network permissions are used for automatic crash reporting and ads.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Builds a personal food database from the information you enter
- Enables easy selection of previously entered foods
- Displays each day's total calories or remaining allowance
- Analyses your performance over the last week and month
- Provides a home-screen widget for quick viewing of your calorie total
- Allows calories burnt by exercise to be counted
- Count calories or any kind of pointsYou must enter own foods and calories
Simple Calorie Count Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities