What is Sepsis Clinical Guide ?
Everything you need to know to accurately diagnose and treat sepsis according to the latest clinical guidelines. Indispensable for all healthcare providers!
Sepsis is a serious systemic infection that can quickly lead to circulatory shock, organ failure and death if inappropriately treated. It is also a serious problem in hospitals throughout the US and the world. In 2013, over 1 million people were admitted to US hospitals for sepsis (#1 cause of index admissions) at a total aggregate cost to the US healthcare system of $23.7 billion dollars (#1 most expensive condition), according to an AHRQ report. Over 250,000 people die of sepsis in the US every year, more than from prostate cancer, breast cancer and AIDS combined. Despite its large toll on public health, public awareness of this condition is poor and the quality of treatment is highly variable often due to delayed recognition and treatment.

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