What is Seated−Reservations & Delivery ?
Earn rewards up to 30% on restaurant reservations, food delivery & pickup from your favorite local restaurants when you use Seated. We make it easy for you to find restaurants you’ll love, make a reservation, order pickup or delivery, enjoy a meal, and earn rewards.
Make reservations or place orders for pickup or delivery with Seated:
Earn up to 30% back on your favorite restaurants for dining reservations, pickup, and delivery.
Thousands of delicious restaurants across the U.S.
Fast reservations to secure an open table at the hottest restaurants.
Delivery and pickup from your favorite local restaurants.
Use Seated at Home pickup for takeout orders, skip the line, and enjoy anywhere.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Discover New Restaurants
- Pickup Or Delivery
- Restaurant Reservations
- Earn Rewards On Your Reservations And Food Delivery
- Customer Service
Seated−Reservations & Delivery Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities