What is Rocketman – Bus & Train Times ?
Taking transit is more stressful these days than ever before, but Rocketman is focused on getting you from A to B with less OMG.
Rocketman helps you stay ahead of your daily commute with real-time public transit arrival times, transit crowding reports, and delay alerts. Knowing what’s ahead, whether it’s a crowd, a diverted route, or a delay, allows you to plan your route to get where you’re going with less anxiety. Whether you take the TTC (Toronto Transit), GO Transit, Brampton Zum, Mississauga Miway, BC Transit, TransLink or many other transit agencies, Rocketman allows you to plan ahead and make informed decisions on the go. Rocketman is simple, reliable, and easy to use for buses, trains, and streetcars.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Locate the nearest transit stops to you
- Find to-the-second arrival times for your bus, streetcar, or train
- See your bus move along its route in real time
- Get real-time service delays and alerts relevant to your route
- Set reminders for arrival times
- Get exclusive offers that are available to Rocketman users only
Rocketman – Bus & Train Times Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities