What is PredictWind — Marine Forecasts ?
PredictWind's proprietary PWG and PWE marine weather forecast models along with the ECWMF and GFS models provide the most accurate forecasts, available at the highest resolution.
Easily navigate between wind, swell, rain, cloud, air and sea temperature forecasts in table, map and graph views.
PredictWind's powerful Weather Routing, Departure Planner, and Forecast Alerts are all powered by these world leading marine forecasts.
View live weather observations from over 20,000 live stations across the globe

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Highest resolution on the web
- Choice of top sailors and navigators
- Incredible detail with tables, graphs and maps
- Zoom in on high resolution forecast maps
- Weather Routing
- Departure Planner
- Observations
- Forecast Alerts
PredictWind — Marine Forecasts Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities