What is PrankDial - #1 Prank Call App ?
The original and best prank call app. Prank Dial with over 200 million prank calls sent and non-stops laughs globally, PrankDial™ is here with its best experience yet! Enjoy a break and make everyone’s day better with THREE FREE calls and hundreds of pranks.
Everyone receives three free calls a day, you can choose from hundreds of pranks, and listen to their friends reactions. PrankDial does the work for you and sounds like a real person. Our amazing prank call technology automates the call, knows when to speak, and will leave you with a hilarious reaction.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Choose from different prank call scenarios
- Watch the call status live
- Call history with all your calls for all users
- Customize names-places and more
PrankDial - #1 Prank Call App Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities