What is Power Thesaurus ?
Powerful user-friendly thesaurus with 80+ million synonyms.
Developed by PowerThesaurus.org (popular community-driven online thesaurus). The extensive collection of synonyms, antonyms and other term relations is updated in real-time by Power Thesaurus community for writers and students.
User accounts (by powerthesaurus.org):
* Suggest new terms
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* Cross-device access by logging into your account
* Ad-free for Power Thesaurus PRO users
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Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Lighting fast, convenient and comprehensive
- Easy-to-follow look & feel
- Real-time results
- Filter results
- Flexible sorting
- Term copy & pronounce
- 80M+ Synonyms by Community
Power Thesaurus Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities