What is Popcornflix - Movies and TV ?
Stream free movies and TV shows on your iPhone and iPad! Popcornflix is 100% legal, no subscription required. Experience feature-length, on-demand movies and TV shows with way fewer ads than regular television. These movies and TV shows showcase some of the biggest stars in the world, including Brie Larson, Ben Affleck, and Robert Downey, Jr.
Watch movies from a selection of new titles, most popular titles, hidden gems that you may have missed as well as your favorite genres, like:
Popcornflix adds new content every week! So check back often to see the new movies and TV shows that have been added for your viewing pleasure. Stream as much as you want, 100% free.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
- Spanish,
Pricing model
- Free
- Watch Hit Movies & Tv Shows
- Discover New Releases For Everyone
- Browse The Newest Movies & Tv Shows
- No subscription required
Popcornflix - Movies and TV Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities