What is PizzaExpress ?
Download the brand new PizzaExpress App! Do you have pizza on your mind 24/7? Us too. This is the app all pizza lovers have been waiting for.
Enjoy brilliant features:
Pay at Table: No more waiting for the bill. Pay quickly and easily; you can even split the bill with your friends and pay for individual items.
Book on the go: Need a table quickly? You’ll be able to find restaurants with availability near you and have your table booked in under 60 seconds.
Customer rewards: Who doesn’t love a free bottle of prosecco on their birthday? Get this and rewards tailored just for you.
Pizza news: Find out all the latest about our menu and events happening in your local PizzaExpress.
And, of course, Dough Balls. Lots and lots of Dough Balls.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Pay at Table
- Book on the Go
- Customer Rewards
- Pizza News
PizzaExpress Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities