Metaphor Dic‪e

What is Metaphor Dic‪e ?

Here it is, Taylor Mali's Metaphor Dice: "The writing tool that plays like a game."


A metaphor is a way of speaking in code, a way of saying “This is that… until I say different.” Or rather, it’s a mathematical equation that says “Let x = y times z.” For example, “Let my father be a broken window. Let my mother be a treasure map.” No one hears these things and expects them to be literally true. Rather they are true figuratively in a way that might be enlightening to explore in a line or two.


Unlike physical Metaphor Dice, which use six-sided dice, this app uses dice with an infinitely expandable number of sides.


The words on the red dice are the CONCEPTS, the white dice are the ADJECTIVES, and the blue dice are OBJECTS. When you find a metaphor you like, add a line or two, then save or post the image of your poem.


  • iOS


Language supported

  • English,
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Pricing model

  • Paid


  • Concepts Of the Red Dice
  • Adjectives Of the White Dice
  • Objects Of the Blue Dice
  • Add A Line Or Two, Then Save Or Post The Image Of Your Poem

Metaphor Dic‪e Contains/promotes :

  • Sexuality
  • Depiction of Illegal Drug
  • Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities