What is MeinProspekt - Offers App ?
With our app you save on shopping and protect the environment at the same time!
Do you have little time and a busy schedule, but still want to find out about current offers in your area quickly and easily? MeinProspekt delivers the latest brochures from dealers in your area such as Aldi, Lidl, Saturn, Obi & Co.
Relax and leaf through current brochures with your smartphone, whenever and wherever you want. Save your favorite branches in favorites and have the latest brochures, opening times and directions shown. Whether during the lunch break or on the train, browsing through brochures has never been easier than with the MeinProspekt app.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Find addresses and opening times of all major retailers
- Store all your loyalty cards digitally in one place
- Create shopping lists and get the best offers
- Receive automatic notification of new offers
- Save your favorites
- Browse through current brochures and look for special offers
MeinProspekt - Offers App Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities