What is MediCalc® ?
mCalx™: the unique and most innovative custom Master Medical Calculator for patient-specific computations (1 panel, 100+ equations/scores, TRILLIONS of combinations).
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics in Medicine™".
MediCalc® is the best and most innovative Clinical Decision Support tool in the world, now featuring the mCalx™: a game-changer, patent-pending, Master Medical Calculator, for custom, disease- & patient-specific computations. You add equations & scores ad lib to the same panel!. The calx are "linked" to the "dynamic tables" for visually efficient "point of care knowledge & info". MediCalc® is now Integrated with iDox® and ready for your HOSPITAL EHR/EMR.
Join our more than half a million users worldwide!
MediCalc® leapfrogs the competition with the most advanced and comprehensive "Medical Calculator System™", performing automatic and integrated computation of more than 500 clinical Formulas, Equations & Scores "commonly used" in medical practice. In addition, we don't do Advertising!
MediCalc® facilitates the organization and processing of Patient's data.
It is a physician-friendly™ app, intuitive and very easy to use.
Available ONLINE (free access & Print options).

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Join our more than half a million users worldwide!
- Customizable Calculator Panel
- Dynamic tables, synchronized with calculators
- Arithmetical processing
- Automatic unit conversion
- MultiCalx™ Panels
- Intuitive user interface
- Easy navigation and info access
- Search bar with filters
- Highly organized and standardized
MediCalc® Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities