What is MathU 12D Financial Calculator ?
"5 stars - This app is great. Very Quick. Would highly recommend". See more in customer reviews.
MathU 12D, the Deluxe Financial RPN Calculator, is written from the ground up to behave exactly like and surpass the classic HP-12C.
MathU 12D uses the same RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) entry system and supports the same mathematical functions as the HP-12C. In fact, if you are familiar with the HP-12C you will be able to use MathU 12D right away.
Made by Creative Creek, LLC. We have been making calculators for mobile devices for over 20 years. Also check out MathU RPN, our advanced scientific and financial RPN calculator.
MathU 12D adds some big improvements over the original HP-12C:
1) Visible Financial Registers -- The values of the financial registers are displayed prominently above the associated buttons. This allows you to quickly verify that the loan parameters are correct and builds confidence in the results.
2) Computation Speed -- You will be amazed how quickly MathU 12D produces results. Even complicated calculations like the determination of interest rate, IRR or NPV are finished in a fraction of a second.
3) Two line display -- A two line display can be chosen so that the x and y register values are always visible. You can immediately see results and verify input values.
4) Visible Programming -- Program lines are displayed using the function name instead of the key pad location. This makes reading and writing MathU 12D programs easier.
5) 20 Registers unaffected by programs - The registers are not shared with the program space so you can create up to 99 line programs without sacrificing any storage space.
Documentation for MathU 12D is available from within the app. All the functions work exactly the same as on the HP-12C, so if you are familiar with the HP-12C you will be able to use MathU 12D right away.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Paid
- Fast and accurate computation based on
- 5 financial registers
- 20 storage registers
- Programmable with up to 99 program steps
- Program steps show function name directly
- Two line display
- Settings screen
- Thousands and decimal separators follow international format
- Copy and paste support
MathU 12D Financial Calculator Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities