What is Last Minute Flight Booking App ?
Last Minute Flight deals offer you the best price flight tickets at lowest price online. Your flight searching is more simplified now, Search on your Origin and Destination and our meta-search engine do the rest. We compare airfare over 300s of Online travel agencies and 1000s of Airlines worldwide.
How we differ? Much Advanced metasearch engine - Compares 1000s of airlines realtime - Filters to find the best - Compatible with worldwide currencies - And 20+ Languages - Easy Booking process - 24x7 Customer Support We designed to make a flight booking easy, helping you compare cheap flights.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Flight tickets at lowest price online
- Airfare over 300s of Online travel agencies
- Easy Booking process
- 24x7 Customer Support
- Filters to find the best
Last Minute Flight Booking App Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities