What is KrogerRxSC ?
Save up to 90% on your prescriptions with the Kroger Rx Savings Club.
Kroger Rx Savings Club members can buy more over 50 common generic prescriptions for $6 or less! Some prescriptions are even FREE - that's right, $0!
Our prices are so low, they may beat your insurance co-pay. Plus, there's no forms, no pre-approvals or paperwork required.
Kroger RxSavings Club is a paid membership program. Your membership card is built right into the app - just show your pharmacist to save. Use the app to sign up, see past purchases, look up current prices and drug information and more. You can use your membership card to save at any of Kroger's family of stores across America.
Unlock huge savings on your prescriptions with the Kroger Rx Savings Club.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Kroger RxSavings Club is a paid membership program
- Look up current prices and drug information and more
- just show your pharmacist to save
- Use the app to sign up, see past purchases
KrogerRxSC Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities