What is Kijiji: Buy & sell, get deals ?
Buy and sell - and make money with ease - on Kijiji - Canada's largest classifieds app. Whether you're looking to find jobs or buy or sell - start shopping in your neighborhood marketplace today. Browse tons of local listings and find deals to help you save money. Post listings, chat, sell and make money - all at your local classifieds marketplace.
Home or garden furniture from that first house move. Clothing the baby has outgrown in just six months. iPhones, game consoles other electronics that need a new home. Used cars & auto parts - even the truck you no longer want sitting in the driveway. If you're selling it, someone in your neighborhood is shopping for it. Sell your stuff and post your second hand items today!

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Pricing model
- Free
- Shop your local marketplace
- Browse and shop anytime, anywhere.
- Save your favourite marketplace Items
- Buy & sell
- +5M Listing all over canada
Kijiji: Buy & sell, get deals Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities