What is KAYAK Flights, Hotels & Cars ?
KAYAK searches hundreds of other travel sites so you don’t have to. Book the perfect flight, hotel or rental car and save money with mobile-only rates and Private Deals. KAYAK Trips lets you organize all of your travel plans in one place including free flight status updates, airport terminal maps and security wait times. KAYAK is the only app you need for planning, booking and traveling.

Other Info
Language supported
- Arabic,
- Dutch,
- English,
- Finnish,
- French,
- German,
- Greek,
- Italian,
- Japanese,
- Korean,
- Polish,
- Portuguese,
- Russian,
- Spanish,
- Turkish,
Pricing model
- Free
- Book Flexibly
- Save Money
- Everything In One Place
- Compare Flight Deals From 900+ Sites
- Find A Rental Car That Fits Your Trip
- Hotels, Vacation Rentals And Unique Stays From Thousands Of Sites
- Measure Your Bag
- Trips
KAYAK Flights, Hotels & Cars Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities