What is JustWatch - Movies & TV Shows ?
100% legal offers
Find out where to stream movies or TV shows online. We list all offers for over 100 streaming providers in the US.
What’s on Netflix?
Easily find where to stream movies and TV shows online amongst over 100 legal providers in the United States, including Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime Video.
New on Netflix?
Browse all the recently added TV shows and movies on your favorite providers and don’t miss the latest full episode of Game of Thrones or the new Original Movie from Netflix. We update the availability of TV show episodes, seasons and full movies daily.
Kids Movies and TV shows
Worried about what your kids can watch online? We added age ratings (G, PG, PG-13, R and NC-17) to help you select the best and most suitable movies and TV shows for your children.

Other Info
Language supported
- Dutch,
- English,
- French,
- German,
- Greek,
- Italian,
- Portuguese,
- Russian,
- Spanish,
Pricing model
- Free
- 100% legal-find where to watch movies and TV shows online
- Filters-select your favorite services amongst 100+ available
- Search Engine-60,000+ movies and TV shows listed, with their trailers
- Timeline-stay up-to-date with our daily list of new releases for movies
- Popular-find where to watch the best movies and the best TV shows online
- Price Drops-enjoy every day the best deals for renting and buying movies
- Watchlist-turn your Smartphone into a remote
JustWatch - Movies & TV Shows Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities