What is HYEmoji – Armenian Emojis ?
Welcome to HYEmoji! Emojis for Armenians!
Thrill your friends and family with 180+ hilarious, modern, custom-illustrated HYEmojis, especially designed with Armenians in mind!
Your messages will be getting rave reviews in no time!
Get your Armo on with HYEmoji!
Install the keyboard and send away! You can also send HYEmojis right from the app itself! We have also created an iMessage sticker pack that can be purchased separately, or as a bundle with the HYEmoji app for the same price! Get both and enjoy 3 WAYS of sending HYEmojis!
Share these bite-sized pieces of our unique culture with your Armenian and non-Armenian friends!
Join the fun with these great features:
• beautiful, high resolution graphics that look good anywhere you share them
• animated HYEmojis
• hilarious Armenian faces and sayings
* yummy Armenian food
• amazing Armenian monuments and landmarks
* tons of other Armenian symbols
HUMMUS anyone!? Tsaved danem! Ayo!
HYEmojis can be used with lots of messaging tools and social media apps.
Available for your keyboard and as iMessage stickers too!
We love Hayastan! So we are donating a portion of all proceeds to Armenian charites!
Stay Connected
To find out more about HYEmoji, check out our website at
Like us on Facebook and show us what your favourite HYEmojis are!

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Paid
- Beautiful, high resolution graphics that look good anywhere you share them
- Animated HYEmojis
- Hilarious Armenian faces and sayings
- Messaging tools and social media apps
HYEmoji – Armenian Emojis Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities