What is Houston Chronicle ?
We've added search, crosswords and better curation to the Houston Chronicle app!
The Houston Chronicle now brings credible, in-depth, award-winning journalism, with extensive coverage in politics, sports, entertainment, and more in a redesigned and reimagined experience for your iOS devices.
The Houston Chronicle app gives you access to all news anytime, anywhere. Whether it’s news in your neighborhood, Harris County, the great state of Texas, the U.S. or the world, if it impacts you, count on us to keep you informed. And with topic-specific push alerts, you can opt-in to the coverage that matters most to you.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Up to the minute breaking news from our Pulitzer Prize award-inning newsroom
- Top headlines you can browse or select to read in full so you are always in-the-know
- Get the news you want as it breaks by opting in for push notifications
- Share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email
Houston Chronicle Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities