What is Hotels.ng - Hotels in Nigeria ?
Find and book classy and affordable hotels in Nigeria. Choose from over 10, 000 nicely picked hotels in 1000+ Nigerian cities.
Hotels.ng is Nigeria's leading booking agency. We offer lots of exciting offers including fantastic discounts! For a unique experience on your next trip, you can choose from our sterling list of hotels, guesthouses, motels, resorts and hostels in Nigeria.
To make your journey with us a smooth one, we have developed the hotels.ng app. With the new hotels.ng app, you can book accommodation in very simple steps. You also get to adjust your choice of hotel, cancel a reservation and extend your stay with no stress!

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- Find and book hotels in Nigeria
- Search through 13,007 hotels
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- 24/7 Support From Over Customer
- Fast And Easy
Hotels.ng - Hotels in Nigeria Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities