What is HER: Lesbian LGBTQ Dating&Chat ?
Join 8 million lesbian, bisexual and queer people on HER - the world's largest and most loved free dating app for LGBTQ women.
So much more than 'swipe right' apps, or a Grindr for lesbians, HER is built by and for lesbian & queer women. We share LGBTQ+ news, all the lesbian and queer events taking place in your area and have smaller community groups so you can meet others in a safe, group chat.
HER hosts parties and socials in 15 cities across the world (from London to LA to New York) so download the app to find out when the next one is happening near you and get exclusive discounts on tickets.
Download HER to join a community of people who believe in LGBTQ+ equality and empowerment. Whether you're here for a girlfriend or partner, to meet the love of your life, your person for a great date or your next friendship group, the HER community is a welcoming and supportive one. We'd love to welcome you to our space.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Date & Meet Queer LGBT girl
- Find Your Person
- Friendly, Fun & Safe
- See Who Likes you
- Chat
- Local Members
- Notifications
- Relationship Mode
HER: Lesbian LGBTQ Dating&Chat Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities