What is Hava ?
Hava taxi is a hailing app for a safe, reliable and affordable ride. Hava cab will get you where you need to be. Commuting to work? Airport transfer? Visiting family? Forget about parking, traffic, car rental, taking the bus. Download Hava cab now for hassle free movement
Your affordable ride is just a few taps away. Transportation with Hava is easy-peasy:
1. Download the app. Our GPS System will automatically pick up your location and hitch a ride.
2. Pick your car type and choose ‘Ride now’ or ‘Ride later’ depending on when you want to get going. A more flexible option.
3. Choose your drop off location for a fare estimate.
4. Tap and instantly get a confirmation instantly, complete with your Driver’s details and location.
5. Track your Hava taxi ride in real time. Then just get in, sit back and relax. You only pay after the ride is complete..

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Booking a ride is easy.
- Pick your ride
- Our GPS tracking is on point
- Choose your drop off location for a fare estimate.
- Track your Hava taxi ride in real time.
Hava Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities