What is Gousto ?
Give same-old a shake-up with our delicious recipes and precise ingredients, delivered to your door in a big red box.
1. Choose 2-4 delicious dishes from our menu of 50 exciting recipes (there’s a new menu every week!)
2. We’ll deliver your pre-measured ingredients any day you like - you don’t even need to be in to receive them.
3. Dish up impressive meals with all of the flavour and none of the fuss!

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Swap your recipes
- Follow the steps of each recipe
- Rate your recipes and leave reviews
- View all your past boxes
- Change your delivery day, box size, and account information with a few taps
- Pause your subscription
- Invite friends to Gousto to get £10 credit
Gousto Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities