What is Flash Cards Flashcards Maker ?
Upgrade to Flash Cards Pro now and study smarter like 1,000's of others are already doing.
Try the easiest, sleekest and FASTEST flashcard maker available. Great for anyone studying for exams, practicing for homework or cramming for SAT, GRE, MCATs, LSAT, NCLEX, PSAT, ACT or any other major test. Flashcards are the best way to learn quickly and ace your next test or homework assignment, guaranteed.
Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- 100% Easy to add Decks and Cards
- Faster, easier, simpler, cleaner, better than the rest
- Quickly add cards and decks in a flash
- Shuffle decks, copy/paste content
- Sync to iCloud to backup and store your flashcards
- Bold, italicize, underline text in your cards
- Swipe gesture supported
- Single tap to flip flashcards
Flash Cards Flashcards Maker Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities