What is Flash Alerts 2 ?
Flash Alert 2 !!! (First! And from 2013!)
Flash Alert 2 allows you to blink the device's flash when you receive phone or SMS text or app notifications.
This feature can increase the convenience of the user or help the user with a disability.
caution! :
Please make sure that the free version of Flash Notifier works properly on your device.
Accessibility services are used in this app. Also, your information is not stored or transmitted.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Set up blinking with ON/OFF in detail.
- StatusBar notification is arrived, the flash
- You can turn ON/OFF the feature over the device's status
- Schedule DND when to start, when to end
Flash Alerts 2 Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities