What is Fitness Cardio - Fat Burning Workouts - Lose Fat ?
The Most Complete Cardio Workouts!
❖ Cardio Exercises :
The exercises that are famous for burning fat and losing weight. Cardio exercises will strengthen your cardiovascular system and improve your lung capacity. The cardio exercises in this app don’t need any equipment. Each step is completely different from the other which results in effectiveness of exercises. If you are new to cardio and exercises leads to your shortness of breath, so, increase the rest time between the exercises and do them slower. Plan your diet based on your weight; in this way you get better results with cardio exercises. Read the exercises’ instructions and remember them in order not to waste your time while exercising.
➤ 90 Days Workouts :
90 Days Workouts is based on Body Type System. Each body type has its own specific 99 days workouts. For example for the Obese type the emphasis of exercises are on first, burning fats and then shaping the muscles; but it is different for example for the Under-weight type which the program emphasizes on building muscles with less cardio and aerobic exercises and more strengthening exercises.
➤ Min,Mid,Max System :
Minimum, Middle, and Maximum modes are designed based on how ready you are to do every exercise.
You may reach any of these modes every time you exercise. This section is designed as a challenge for you, which means you may reach the minimum specified in the exercise for the first try.
◆ Min,Mid,Max = the number of reps that you should do for each exercise.
Here is the Deal: each exercise includes different ranges of numbers for each mode. For example in an exercise that you see these numbers:
Min 10 Mid 20 Max 30
From 1-10 = Minimum.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Paid
- Different 90 days workout calendar for each body type
- 66 unique Cardio exercises
- Min,Mid,Max System
- Animation videos
- Simple and easy explanations
- Warm up exercises
- Progress Charts
- Customize your workout
Fitness Cardio - Fat Burning Workouts - Lose Fat Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities