What is FilmRise ?
Watch full movies and TV shows absolutely Free on Filmrise. All videos are of HD quality, and can be streamed absolutely free of charge always. No need to submit your credit card details at all! The videos have advertisements, but much fewer than your cable TV!
Filmrise is available on iPhone, iPad and Apple TVs! So enjoy a seamless viewing experience on the go, or from comfort of your home.
All content on Filmrise is legal, and there are new movies and shows added everyday! You will never run out of entertainment options with our vast library of movies ranging from Thriller, Horror, Drama, Romance, Documentaries, Crime, Action flicks and much more! You will find both Hollywood and popular foreign language movies in our app. Discover many hidden movie gems, cult movies and binge watch our TV shows!
We believe in providing our viewers high quality, legal films and TV shows always free!

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Stream from a Huge library of movies and TV Shows
- HD quality, legal videos for free
- Never pay a dime – Zero fees
- The videos include movie rating as well as popularity score
- All videos you watch will be included in Recently Played playlist
- Watch on mobile and TV
- New movies and TV shows added everyday
- Our editors create new playlists every week
FilmRise Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities