What is FareDrop ?
Explore the world with amazing flight deals! Save up to 80% off airfare prices – we send deals to incredible destinations every day!
FareDrop alerts you to the best airfare prices and hidden deals around and helps you save hundreds of dollars when booking your next flight.
When airline tickets drop to fantastically-low prices, we’ll send you notifications with the information you need to book your flights. You personalize the type of flights you’d like to book and when you’d like to fly, and we’ll match your travel goals with the airfare deals we find. FareDrop reviews millions of flights each day to find the best deals, which means you will never miss out on the best prices available.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Get hidden deals that match your preferences
- Select your home airports
- Choose your perferred travel regions
- Tell us the months you want to travel
FareDrop Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities