What is EverBeat-Daily Heart Health ?
Are you at risk for Atrial Fibrillation or Stroke? everbeat can monitor your heart around the clock and warn you if you may have atrial fibrillation. You can take your medical grade ECG, and it will confirm the condition or tell you that your heart is normal. You can send the ECG tracing to your doctor for further analysis.
The everbeat platform can also help you keep on track with monitoring your vital signs, taking your medication, and recording your meals. By sharing this data with your caregivers and doctors, you can receive positive feedback and help take better care of yourself.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Monitor your patient’s cardiac health remotely
- Makes it simple for heart patients
- Team to better manage their heart health.
EverBeat-Daily Heart Health Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities