What is dict.cc Dictionary ?
Dictionary for 51 language combinations, usable with or without an internet connection (offline dictionary). Vocabularies can be downloaded and updated within the app for free.
German-English dictionary: more than 1 million translations
All dictionaries are bidirectional, so German-English doubles as English-German. Just type in your keyword in either language.
New translations and corrections can be suggested at http://contribute.dict.cc/. Every translation gets checked by several other contributing users. The downloadable vocabularies are updated daily.
This version shows ads, but you can unlock the ad-free version with additional features, such as "Recent Searches", Quiz Game" and "Vocabulary Trainer" within the app. Try it for free for one week.
Other Info
Language supported
- English,
- German,
Pricing model
- Free
- German-English dictionary: more than 1 million translations
- German-English doubles as English-German
- Dictionary for 51 language combinations
- Usable with or without an internet connection
dict.cc Dictionary Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities