What is Cocktail Compass ?
Cocktail Compass find the happiest happy hours near you. Tap the app and in mere moments you’ll have the nearest happy hour at your fingertips, along with its location, distance, and how long you’ll have before happy hour is over. Need more info? Tap the bar name to see a map of the location, call the bar, or share its info with your friends.
You can also use Cocktail Compass to search for bars in your area, or any neighborhood in your town or in any of the cities included. Check to see if the bar has Wi-Fi or patios (or both!). If you know the name of a bar—or almost remember it—browse the list of bars to find it in a snap!

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Find nearest open happy hours
- Search for bars with your preferred
- Bookmark favorites
- Email bar info to friends
- Browse all bars and see detailed listings
- Explore new places, neighborhoods and cities
- Call a cab whenever you need it
Cocktail Compass Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities