What is Co Flix LITE - Movies & TV Shows : Reviews ?
Coto Movies & TV Show LITE version offering you a free no subscription needed and a great way to find the best Movie or Series, depending on your favorite Movie or TV Show categories .
PLEASE NOTE - This app does not currently support TV or video streaming. Full-length movies and TV shows are not available within the app .
We have most famous and top rated paid or free Movies, TV Show, and Anime that you gonna like, only what you need is to select the category like (Drama Show, Comedy Movies, Action, Horror Series, Japan Anime, Kids Anime, Adventures, Science, Romance, Mysteries, Horror,...), and enjoy surfing around thousands of the best available or upcoming Movies or TV Show to watch online .
Find the Movie or the Serie you gonna love from the favorite Hollywood talent Cast, trending box office movies and more
Keep track of all your TV shows including those on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, Bravo, BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Sky and more.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Discover the most trending Movies, TV Shows
- Watch HD Trailers Movies, TV Show & Anime
- Search for IMDB stats for your Films and TV Show
- Best Movie Tracker App
- Check the Reviews for you selected Movie or Series
- New Feature Users can Share movie trailers with their Network
Co Flix LITE - Movies & TV Shows : Reviews Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities