What is Clean Eating Vegan Recipes ?
Nowadays, we can see a lot of issues in the society and one of them is health. so, choosing food or ingredients of dishes, meals is always important if you want to have a good health. We found that we research and collect the best recipes which provide full nutrition for a strong body.
You can discover plenty of healthy recipes which include healthy breakfast, lunches, dinners and snacks or brunches and we have from meals to baking dishes, desserts….
Besides, you will always have nutritious meals in the following of your requirments because the app helps you choose the dishes that fit in with special diets such as abstainers, vegetarians.
Our app consist of cooking topics like a cookbook about health, special diets and vegetarians through over 150 cooking recipes which helps you find the suitable recipes.
You can save the favorite recipes in common with making a shopping list about foods or ingredients which need for preparing cooking and you can share and give comment after cooking our recipes.
The last thing we want to give, each cooking recipes will be provided the information around preparing ingredients, time to cook, how to cook and nutritious.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Healthy Eating Recipes
- Find Recipes
- Save the favorite recipes
- Filter recipes
- Found that Research and collect the best recipes
Clean Eating Vegan Recipes Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities