What is BigOven Recipes & Meal Planner ?
BigOven makes cooking simple. Find recipe inspiration, plan meals, create grocery lists, help reduce food waste, and more all on one device. The BigOven experience includes a range of useful tools and a welcoming home cook community that shares the same passion for being in the kitchen as you do.
Have all your recipes in one place
Never have to dig through old cookbooks or go through your internet history to find recipes again. Now all of your favorite recipes can live in one location. You can clip recipes from your favorite sites, upload recipes by snapping a photo, and mark existing recipes as a favorite or save to try for later. Organize recipes in folders, filter by category, view recently used folders, and easily find saved recipes.
Get inspired
Never ponder over the question: “What’s for dinner?” again. From the moment you open the app you’ll find everything from what’s popular to what your friends and family are cooking. Find any recipe you could possibly search for in no time with seasonal collections and suggested dishes, and save & share recipes in just one tap.
Plan meals
Plan ahead with the Meal Planner tool and get organized easily. Add recipes to your planner in a flash and leave the stress of deciding what to eat behind.
Manage your grocery list
Create a grocery list for yourself or share it with your household. Items are sorted by department or by recipe and can be marked off while you shop.
Reduce food waste
With the Use Up Leftovers feature, discover recipes with ingredients you already have.
Join the community
Be a part of a home cook community that loves to be in the kitchen just as much as you do. Read reviews left by others, get notified of comments or questions on recipes you’ve posted, and find other family and friends and their recipes on your home screen.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Have all your recipes in one place
- Manage your grocery list
- Discover More than 1+ Millions recipes
BigOven Recipes & Meal Planner Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities