What is Beck Taxi ?
But there’s more! The features don't stop there. The oldies but goodies are here and improved:
Activate the Beck Signal when you're hailing a Beck and be found faster by our drivers. Try it out and share your experience with us.
Add your credit card and use Beck-Pay to pay in the app
Send a parcel to anywhere in the city
Rate your experience each time, and let us know how we did. We take your feedback and reviews very seriously and are constantly working hard to improve our customer service

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Hail your Beck on the street
- Select ‘In a Beck’ in the app
- Choose your card on file
- Scan the QR code from the driver
- Sit back and enjoy your ride!
Beck Taxi Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities