What is ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting ?
New advanced painting app adding: Deeper Paint, Larger Tools Sizes, Realistic Color Blending, Layer Effects, Cloner etc. Tutorial video: bit.ly/ArtRage-Vitae-iPad-Demo
ArtRage Vitae is our Premium Natural Painting application for mobile devices!
Get creative on your digital canvas with realistic color blending, mixing oil paint, delicate watercolor, and much more! Ever wanted to try painting your masterpiece but were put off by the mess and expense? Now you can!
ArtRage Vitae isn't just about color: It knows how much paint you've used so you can mix it and spread it on a textured canvas. It knows how wet your paint is so you can blend it with other paints. It even knows about the roughness of your paper so your pencils can be used for soft shading.
It's not just a special effect either - ArtRage Vitae is a live simulation of the properties of real artistic media that lets you get creative with colors and textures using tools you already know how to use!
ArtRage Vitae takes full advantage of the Apple Pencil support for pressure & tilt, and 3D touch on your iPhone when available.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Paid
- Real world painting tools
- Add Layers to your painting and work
- Special Effect Tools
- Unlimited layers with Photoshop standard blend modes
- Interface
- Professional tool options
- Utility Tools
- 16 tools with countless variations
ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities