What is Allo User ?
Get our app and enjoy our daily discounts .
why calling and waiting for ever to get a cab.
We are trying to make life fast & easy for our customers by downloading this app you well be able to make reservation from anywhere .
your cab will be there before you know it .
one click all it take to make it happened .
We value our customers and we wish to serve them professionally and provide for them safety and peace of mind. Our goal is to provide you with courteous, reliable, professional service. We proudly serve the Middlesex and Somerset County, NJ and the nearby regions and we serve all major airport. Our Cars are clean, well-
maintained, full sized vehicles.and we work 24/7.
ATT: you can make a reservation from this app by clicking on ( TALK TO US )
We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible rides within their suburban locations. We have established reasonable competitive rates and offer flat rates to and from the airports and to the newly expanded Chicago Loop area.
We accept the payments through debit or credit card for your convenience so that you don't require to think for other modes of payent which would save our tme.
Our drivers are professional, highly dependable and courteous with a detailed knowledge of the region.
Allo Cab and All Around America Taxi mission is to ensure that you enjoy traveling in our taxis to the extent that we can enjoy your repeated busines Have a safe trip today and always.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
Allo User Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities