What is Advanced Dictionary&Thesaurus ?
Download one of the most intuitive and easy to use mobile dictionaries with quick access to millions of words, laid out in a unique format by WordNet.
Entirely revised and updated to include the most comprehensive and accurate picture of the English language today, the Advanced English Dictionary and Thesaurus represents the authority of dictionary apps.
The intelligent search features, leading to a rich word list with special language notes, cross-curriculum words and the prompt navigation - all contribute to your unique user experience. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms, interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. In addition to the straightforward definitions the dictionary shows how each word is linked to other words in terms of synonyms, opposites and similar words, but also hyponyms and hyperlinks within the group.
The WordNet concept had become the staple of quality language apps:
* Straightforward and precise definitions of over 140,000 with more than 250,000 links and 1.4 million words
* Synonyms, antonyms, similar and related words to help improve your writing and speech
* Hypernyms (more generic words), hyponyms (subordinate words) and meronyms (part names)
* Examples illustrate how words are used and show typical constructions and collocations
* Offline audio support (internet connection is NOT required)
This app is tailored to professionals, students, and academics, as well as anyone who needs a comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of current English at work or at home.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Learn in style with any of the four colorful new themes
- Offline audio support
- Search tools
- Learning Tools
- Word-of-the-day option to teach you a new word every day.
Advanced Dictionary&Thesaurus Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities