What is ACIM Remind ?
The FOUNDATION FOR INNER PEACE, original publisher of "A Course in Miracles," has joined with CDE Solutions to produce this app as an aid to those working on their daily lessons from the Workbook of the Course. -- NOW AVAILABLE IN 5 LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. As a student of the Course have you ever spent time studying your lesson in the morning only to forget to review it at the suggested time intervals during the day? Have you ever wished that you had reminders, preset at the required time intervals, to jog your memory? Have you ever remembered to review a lesson but forgot what words to use? If so, then this app is for you!
In addition to providing convenient access to the full text of the 365 daily lessons from the Course's "Workbook for Students," THIS APP HAS BUILT-IN REMINDER ALERTS which have been preset with specific text to be remembered for the day and the time intervals as suggested within the lessons of the Workbook. For lessons that have no suggested time intervals, you can select a time interval of your choice. You can even override Course specified intervals to time intervals of your choice that fit in with your daily schedule. The app is simple to use. To begin you would select the lesson you are currently working on from a rotating "wheel," then when the wheel stops on your lesson of the day you click on "Full Text" and you are presented with the full text of the lesson. Once your beginning lesson has been selected you will be presented with the same lesson when you return the next day. This allows you review the previous lesson, or move on to your daily lesson. The complete Workbook, including Introductions, can be accessed from the wheel. During the day, shortened text (the words suggested within the Workbook lesson to be used as the reminder that day) is presented when the reminder alert is sounded. These words can be changed to whatever words you would prefer to use instead. In addition

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
- French,
- German,
- Portuguese,
- Spanish,
Pricing model
- Paid
ACIM Remind Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities