Bicycling Australia is the leading bicycle magazine in Australia. Packed with interesting and useful information that will enhance your cycling experience, we’ll inform, inspire and motivate you to ride your best...
Know MoreFeatures of Bicycling Australia Magazine:
- Bicycling Australia is the leading bicycle magazine in Australia.
Walk is Britain’s biggest walking magazine aimed at anyone who enjoys the outdoors on foot: from weekend strollers to expert mountaineers. Inside every edition you’ll find lavishly photographed features of the best walks across the UK and...
Know MoreFeatures of Walk Magazine:
- The best walks across the UK and abroad
- Users can register for/ login to a pocketmags account in-app
European Trainer,the quarterly magazine for the training and development of the thoroughbred racehorse. It includes covers profiles on leading racehorse trainers and covers subjects including....
Know MoreFeatures of European Trainer Magazine:
- Stay Clam and Keep training
- Welfare, training, nutrition and the racing business
Headlines from the main newspapers perfectly combined into an easy, clean and robust reader...
Know MoreFeatures of USA Headlines:
- Description Headlines from the main newspapers perfectly combined into an easy
- Low data usage so you do not have to worry about consuming your data plan.
- Avoid popups, banners, annoying ads and malware
- Apple certified with best security standards to protect your reading

Reeder 5
News Reader
Keep control of your news reading with Reeder, RSS reader and read later client in one app, now with support for iCloud syncing...
Know MoreFeatures of Reeder 5:
- This is Reeder's built-in read later service
- A higher dimension of reading. With Bionic Reading
- View most recent articles, configurable to only show items from feeds
- version 5, Reeder finally supports marking items as read while scrolling
- Sync all your feeds and articles with iCloud